



Registration and manufacturer authorization

To register, use the registration form on the websites. The address shall be sent to you by the manufacturer.

  • In the Code field, the code of the manufacturer of whom you want to register with is automatically filled in.
  • If you do not have the code, you can leave this field blank. You can request the manufacturer authorization later in the Settings menu.

After successful registration you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Then you will have to wait for the manufacturer to confirm and authorize your registration. As soon as this is done, you will receive a second e-mail saying, that you can start working with the manufacturer's products.


Web application ArisCAT Market does NOT support outdated browsers!
Always use the newest version of a supported browse

Minimal requirements for internet browsers and related software:

Internet browser Mobil device OS
  • Chrome/85
  • Safari/602
  • Firefox/90
  • Edge/85
  • Android: 5.0 or higher